Answered By: Leah Banks
Last Updated: Jan 03, 2017     Views: 121

The fine for books is 25 cents per day; for DVDs it is 50 cents per day.  Overdue reminder notices for materials checked out from G. R. Little Library are sent by email when books are 7 and 14 days overdue.  After 30 days, overdue books are considered lost, and the borrowing patron will be billed for the cost of the book plus a non-refundable $15 billing/processing fine.

Any fines/fees must be paid before you can check out any new items from the Library.

Try to return your books on time in order to avoid the possibility of a fine being charged.  If you have any questions about the books you have checked out or about library circulation policies, please contact the Circulation Department at (252) 335-3427 or by email at .

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